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​"I’d also like to note the beauty of [Lupkin's] costume design for each character. Each character is summed up well with their garb such as Dunn’s blood-lust represented by the red of his jacket and black fur of his collar, Goodman’s impractical and incredibly posh green outfit dripping with all the stereotypes of a British adventurer save a pith hat, and the many bits and bobs hanging off of Powell to help with his lack of an arm. One detail that impressed me most was how Powell and the character of Mr. Asa played also by Eliza Ducnuigeen (BC’21) who comes out at the end of the play and subsequently adopts his own role as hero for “saving” the adventurers seem to have the exact same pin. It serves as an interesting parallel and continuation of the motif of white men taking credit for that which isn’t theirs."

~Josh Tate, "Men On Boats: A New Old Frontier," Columbia Student News, December 8, 2019


"Other technical aspects of the production additionally served to bring it into a modern-day setting, while evoking ancient themes. Costumes (by Ilana Lupkin, BC ’20) such as Lancelot’s imitation chain-mail vest, Pellinore’s armor, and Merlyn’s massive cape emphasized character traits that bridged folk tales and cocktail parties. Guenevere seemed to have a more gorgeous outfit every time we saw her, elevating her status as a queen even as she grew more internally conflicted."

~Betsy Ladyzhets, "CMTS’s Camelot Bears Magnificent Fruit," Columbia Student News, April 19, 2019


"The over-the-top 80’s/90’s costume design [by Ilana Lupkin] was great fun to look at, cutting through the saccharine spirituality with funky-fresh overalls, sequined skirts, and one, highly memorable pigeon shirt. They visually tied together the ensemble while preserving their individuality."

~Riva Weinstein,"CMTS Casts A Godspell On The Audience," Columbia Student News, March, 9, 2019


"The costumes [for Urinetown], designed by Ilana Lupkin (BC'20), were as eye-catching as they were effective; lower-class characters wore a mosh of tattered graphic tees and vintage duds while their upper-class counterparts wear futuristic greys that reflect their seeming indifference. Especially memorable was Little Sally's plastic bag tutu, which accentuated her childlike gait."

~Emma Hoffman, "Profile/Review for Urinetown," Barnard Bulletin, December 2017


Featured in the Columbia Spectator's "Behind the Scenes With Columbia's Costume Designers"



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