Ilana Lupkin is a Costume Designer based in New York City. She is a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University, where she earned her B.A. in Theatre and Art History. She hopes that she may merge her two fields of study to further herself as a Costume Designer.
She has served as a Costume Designer and as an Assistant Costume Designer for several productions at Barnard and Columbia as well as at the BergenPAC. She has also served as the costume designer for a show in the 2018 Trans Theatre Festival in Brooklyn, a show at the Under St. Marks Theater, and a show with the Columbia University School of the Arts. Most recently, she served as the Costume Designer for two of the three Main Stage productions for the Scranton Shakespeare Festival 2022 Season.
Her costuming work has been on display at the Patterson Museum for the 2017 EcoChic Exhibit. Her work is featured on a social media page that, in partnership with the Morgan Library, aims to highlight the Morgan's collection of late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century French fashion plates from the Journal Des Dames et Des Modes.
Internationally, she has worked with the Prague Shakespeare Company, where she served as the Assistant Designer and the Costume Designer for two Shakespeare productions that were performed at the famed Estates Theatre in Prague. Additionally, she has served as the Costume Designer for the gold medalist team that represented the United States in Freestyle Frisbee at the 2019 World Urban Games in Budapest, Hungary.
In Fall 2019, she completed her senior thesis, a Theatre and Art History combined thesis, in which she explored clothing and gender performativity through case studies of the self-fashioning of Romaine Brooks and Georgia O'Keeffe as well as through the Barnard Theatre Department's production of Men on Boats, which she costume designed as part of her thesis.
Upon graduating from Barnard, she received the 2020 Dasha Amsterdam Epstein Award in Honor of Patricia Denison for Design and Production for her Costume Design work throughout her undergraduate career.